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Idiographic Assessment



The review study draws attention to the change of view on nomothetic and idiographic approach in research and assessment that is noticeable since the 19th century. The study notes that we can distinguish a narrower concept of psychological testing from a broader concept of psychological assessment that uses clinical practice approach as well.

Leaning on the work of Haynes et al., the study defines the concept of idiographic assessment and shows it as a direction seeking for individualization of psychological assessment. The review study is focused on examples showing how this direction has been gaining ground in assessment of quality of human life.

The degree of individualization may be graded; some authors present up to six options. The study shows a particular form of individualization on an example of assessment instrument Subjective Quality of Life Profile (Dazord et al., 1995, 1998).

In the conclusion it sums up the advantages and disadvantages of the individualized assessment instruments.