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Comparison of a football goalkeeper's lower limb's explosive strength



The screened sample was composed of 15 top level players. The lower limbs strength was scanned by Kistler Force platform.

Monitored participants performed three types of a vertical jump, T1 – CMJ-F, T2 – CMJ, T3 - SQJ. Each participant completed three successful trials of each type of the jump.

The best performed trial was chosen for the evaluation. On the basis of the measured and calculated parameters of three types of take off we may notice that the maximum height of the jump was achieved in the first type when h1 = 0.45 ± 0.03 m.

This result was better by 13.3% (0.06 m) compared to the jump from standing position without the arm support (T2) and by 20% (0.09 m) higher than the squat jump without the arm support (T3). In the first type of the vertical jump, a very important factor is a swing arm work and the use of elastic energy in preload of particular muscle groups caused by the squatting phase (eccentric muscle activity).