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Analysis of extra-pair paternity and conspecific brood parasitism in mallards Anas platyrhynchos using non-invasive techniques.

Publication at Faculty of Science |


A method that was based on non-invasive sampling of genetic material was used to determine the rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP) and conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) in mallards. Maternal and offspring DNA were extracted from feathers in nest material and hatched eggshell membranes.

Using 8 microsatelite loci, extra-pair offspring were detected in 48% of nests and accounted for 9.3% of all offspring. In addition, 10.1% of the offspring were confirmed to result from CBP, and 24% of all nests contained at least 1 offspring from CBP.

The incidence of EPP was distributed randomly (i.e. did not deviate from bionomial distribution) throughout the population, indicating that variations in pre-copulatory (e.g. female choice, mate guarding) or post-copulatory processes (e.g. sperm competition, cryptic female choice) do not affect the distribution of EPP among breeding pairs markedly. The occurrence of CBP and EPP was unaffected by the timing of the breeding attempt or breeding synchrony.