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Protein metabolism in leg muscle following an endotoxin injection in healthy volunteers

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This is an original paper focused on the study of the early phase of sepsis using endotoxin model in healthy human volunteers. Six healthy male subjects were given a standardized intravenous endotoxin bolus.

Leg muscle protein kinetics was assessed for 4 hours thereafter with the aid of both two- and three-compartment models using intravenous infusion of radioactive tracer molecules (phenylalanine and 3-methylhistidine). In addition, 26S proteasome activity and protein ubiquitination were determined.

Even though release of phenylalanine from the intracellular pool of muscle following endotoxin was observed, the net protein balance was unchanged as both protein synthesis and breakdown were decreased by endotoxin. The degradation rates of contractile proteins, proteasome activity and protein ubiquitination were not affected by endotoxin.