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Alpine treeline dynamics in relation to temperatures



The preliminary results of the alpine treeline dynamics in relation to the habitat 's temperatures are presented in this paper. It is shown only small temperature differences among differently orientated slopes in the habitats of alpine timberline and treeline, but there are huge differences in the surface 's temperatures in the habitats of alpine forest-free area - during three seasons of the measuring.

Thickness growth is higher on south slopes than north slopes in the habitats of alpine treeline. The treeline stagnated or increased during last 70 years in large surroundings (south slope of Luční hora).

According to preliminary results it seems the reproduction of Picea excelsa to larger thickness growth and increased temperatures are in coincidence during the growing period. Disturbances (avalanches, mud-flows) and the feedback of human interference (from the first part of 20th century) are reflected on the dynamic of the alpine treeline.