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Materials in the study of the Belarusian peasants-workers Hramada

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The given text aims at analyzing several important sources regarding the Belarusian peasants-workers Hramada, which existed and took effect in the Western Belarus during the years 1925 to 1927. It thus gives major attention to the analysis of the Referat polskiej policji politycznej o działalności organizacji białoruskich w 1926 roku.

In the Referat, classified information of the Polish Internal Inteligence on the activities of the Belarusian political organizations in the Western Belarus in the 2nd Rzeczpospolita could be found. The value of the document lies in the possibility of comparison with other sources and historiographical studies on the Hramada problematics, as well as eliminating the gaps of understanding the context of the period discourse of the whole Belarusian national movement.

Additionally, the Referat can serve as a source in the study of the Polish contra-belarusian actions and in analyzing the Polish politics regarding the Belarusian movement.