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Reintroductions of the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


We collected primary data on 13 European ground squirrel reintroduction projects carried out in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland since 1989. During these projects more than 3,200 ground squirrels were reintroduced at 15 sites or used for reinforcement of 5 populations.

Reintroductions can be considered successful at 7 sites where settlement and reproduction of the released individuals were observed. At other 7 sites reintroductions failed and the result of reintroduction is still unknown at one site.

Results of reinforcements are unclear at all 5 sites. The main problems of reintroductions were the low number of released individuals,unsuitable methodology of releasing and inappropriate site management.

For future reintroduction attempts we recommend to release a sufficient number of individuals and to use artificial burrows as well as temporary fencing of the site of release. Long-term management of the site and regular monitoring of the newly established population are also necessary.