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Trace Elements Status in Selenium-Deficient Rats - Interaction with Cadmium

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Although the metabolic and toxicological interactions between essential element selenium (Se) and toxic element cadmium (Cd) have been reported for a long time, the experimental studies explored mostly acute, high-dose interactions. Limited data are available regarding the effects of Se-deficiency on toxicokinetics of cadmium, as well as on the levels of key trace elements-copper, zinc, and iron.

In the present study, male and female Wistar weanling rats (n = 40/41) were fed either Se-deficient or Se-adequate diet (< 0.06 or 0.14 mg Se per kilogram diet, respectively) for 12 weeks, and from week 9 were drinking water containing 0 or 50 mg Cd/l as cadmium chloride. At the end of the 12-week period, trace element concentrations were estimated by AAS.

Selenium-deficient rats of both genders showed significantly lower accumulation of cadmium in the liver, compared to Se-adequate rats. Zinc and iron hepatic levels were not affected by Se-deficiency.