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Paul in the Acts of Paul: A Rhetorical Analysis of chosen speeches

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The presented study investigates selected speeches from the apocryphal Acts of Paul and the apocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla with the assistance of rhetorical analysis. The first part of treatise profiles „praxeis literature“, its particularities, literary characteristic and separate section of the Acts of Paul.

The second part deals with analyses of Paul’s speeches that belong to the category prosopopoeia. Specifically, they relate to Paul’s „preachings“ in the Claudius´ house (PH 8), the speech in Onesiphorus´ house, and the speech in Ephesus (PH 1-5, especially PH 1).

Rhetorical analysis of the beatitudes is most extensive (AThe 5-6), because each of the beatitudes constitutes an rhetorical enthymeme. Key Words: The Acts of Paul, The Acts of Paul and Thecla, speech, prosopopoeia