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Petrus Canisius and Bohemia

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


Peter Canisius had been charged by the founder of the Jesuit order Ignatius of Loyola to found the Collegium Clementinum in Prague (1555). His correspondence substantiates that it was him who laid the fundament for the veneration of the Bohemian patrons in the Society of Jesus what is to be valuated as an act of inculturation.

He was the first provincial of the Jesuits in the Bohemiam kingdom. He is the patron of the Bohemian Province of the Society of Jesus together with St John Nepomuk who was proclaimed patron of the whole Society by Franz Retz the Superior General originated from Prague; this has not been respected by the reforms of Vatican II.

Therefore a revision of the liturgical calendar of the order is desirable. There is an explanation for the choice of the feast day of St Peter Canisius.