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Neolithic transition in Europe: evolutionary anthropology study

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education |


The Neolithic transition in Cental Europe was investigated. Our study is based on physical anthropology data that were divided into five groups according to the economy and ecology of the human populations within.

These groups are: hunter-gatherers, first farmers, late farmers, pastorial cultures and Bronze Age. We documented a sharp dissimilarity between Mesolithic and Early Neolithic populations, but on the other hand a strong resemblance between hunter-gatherers, pastorial and Bronze Age cultures.

This phenomenon was probably caused by migration of agricultural populations to Europe in the beginning of Neolithic and consequent absorption of these populations within the more numerous indigenous populations. Further we describe a marked difference in the body stature between farmer males and females.

Higher mobility of females' genes with limited admixture of hunter-gatherers and first farmers' male part of population might be responsible for this feature.