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Semantic Classes in Czech Valency Lexicon: Verbs of Communication and Verbs of Exchange

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We introduce a project aimed at enhancing a valency lexicon of Czech verbs with coherent semantic classes. For this purpose, we make use of FrameNet, a semantically oriented lexical resource.

At the present stage, semantic frames from FrameNet have been mapped to two groups of verbs with divergent semantic and morphosyntactic properties, verbs of~communication and verbs of exchange. The feasibility of this task has been proven by the achieved interannotator agreement -- 85.9% for the verbs of communication and 78.5% for the verbs of exchange.

As a result of our experiment, the verbs of communication have been grouped into~nine semantic classes and the verbs of exchange into ten classes, based on upper level semantic frames from FrameNet.