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Quantification of external costs from energy generation using impact pathway analysis



The methodology provides a procedure for a quantification of external costs from energy generation using impact pathway analysis. Analysis identifies pollutants and their quantity for a particular source of pollution (SO2, NOX, PPM10 and PPM2.5, NMVOC, Cd, As, Cr, Cr-VI, Ni, Hg, Pb, CO2 and other greenhouse gases).

It models atmospheric dispersion, chemical reaction and a formation of secondary pollutants such as O3, sulphates and nitrates. It estimates physical impacts of these pollutants on population, crop and forestry production, building materials, ecosystems and climate change contribution.

Economic valuation of individual impacts follows. External costs are expressed as annual total external costs for a single source of pollution, marginal costs per unit of production (per 1 kWh of produced electricity and/or 1 GJ produced heat) and as unit costs for 1 ton of pollutant.