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Monitoring of recent mass movement activity in anthropogenic slopes of the Krušné Hory Mountains (Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Recent mass movements currently comprise one of the main morphogenetic processes in the extensive anthropogenic relief of the foreground of the Krušné Hory Mountains in the Czech Republic. These mass movements result in several types of deep-seated slope failures, depending on the type of movement and the water saturation of the landslide material.

This paper presents the results of a detailed geomorphic survey and orthophotograph analysis combined with geodetic monitoring data in an area affected by open-pit coal mining. An interdisciplinary approach has enabled an in-depth review of both the dynamics and development of recent slope failures.

The article describes deep-seated landslide complex in this part of the foothills of the Krušné Hory Mountains. The main factors influencing their development include rainfall culminations, groundwater flowing from the valley of Šramnický Brook and former slope failures.