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Security and Safety in Public Transportation

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Ther can be many requirements on modern railway vehicles: they should inform us where we are and what are the opportunities to switch at the nearest station; propellent vehicles should be able to be driven from driving vehicles, if necessary; there should be an option to drive multiple propellent vehicles from a single control; vehicles hsould be able to report issues that happened, etc. Implmeentation of these functions requires the vehicles to be equipped by computers connected into vehicular or train network.

The computers used in railway vehicles and networks where they are connected significantly differ from the ones for home or office use. Hence there is less developers for this specific environment.

There is a movement to apply comon standards used also in Interenet in railway vehicles. It should speed up and make cheaper the development of the vehicular software.

The use of TCP/IP will moreover brng th opportunity to connect remotely to some vehicular or train services. The intensive use of omputers and networks in railway vehicles has several not necessarily possitive effects.

We talk about some of them.