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Values, education and the globalized world



The disertation work points out the fact that even in the postmodern globalized world is the education to values necessary, despite co-called crisis of values. Widely interpreted problems are divided into five main chapters.

The first chapter has the function of introduction and describes the main task of the work. The second chapter, To conception of values and experience of transcendence, is axiologic, psychologic and sociologic interpretation of values and explains the importance of them in human life by means of a theoretical concept of the experience of transcendence.

The third chapter, Valuable understanding and its historical and cultural sources, concerns at genesis of main normative ideals of the western civilization. The fourth chapter, Postmodern situation in globalized world, characterizes the continuity of thinking of the late modernism and discontinuity of the thought of postmodernists.

Attention is paid to postmodern lifestyle, the dimensions of globalization, their antinomy and risks and also to demand to support the ethos of global responsibility in contemporary dangerous world. The fifth chapter of the disertation work, School, education and values, is dedicated to actual changes of school end education, heading to informational skills and to introduction of main conception of the education to values.