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Christ, the Spirit and The Unity of the Church in History : Ecclesiology of J. A. Moehler

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The book deals with the theology of the Church of J.A. Moehler, a prominent Catholic thinker of Tübingen School and founder of the modern Catholic ecclesiology.

After placing biography of Moehler is presented his work in its development. Originally historical approach of Moehler integrated major theological statute, which provided the basis for ecclesiology, the Church viewed from the perspective of the Holy Trinity.

Visible or empirical form of the Church is not only recognized, but most appreciated in the historical development of the Church''s life, including new life forms through the centuries. Some new forms of life did not lead to enrichment of the Church, but to a division.

Moehler, in this case contemplates the possibilities of re-integration and unification of the divided churches. The last chapter discusses the impact of ecclesiology of Moehler in the later development of theology and church influence on the concept of 1 and 2 Vatican Council.