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Sportpropag - An Unlikely Place for the Study of Society: A Personal View

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


In the report on the dissolution of the Department of Complex Forecasting Modelling in early 1984 I do not strive to reconstruct the entire research history of this department and its relations to public authorities. I tried only to understand from a distance of nearly thirty years its constitutive method of complex forecasting modelling, and thus to understand also how this method could give rise to quite a rich intellectual world in the times of communist "normalization".

The report is divided into two sections. First, the Department is characterized as an island of positive deviance.

Second, in the section Multiplicity of approaches to doing science, various members' generationally and ideologically determined approaches to research are presented. In the final Discussion make extensive use of quotations from a thesis prepared for a panel discussion of ethical problems of forecasting, which was held several months before the Department's dissolution by the Communist Party.