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Public place: From Agora to Spaces of Hybrid Character?

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The theoretical concept of current dynamics of public place is tested on grounds of analysis of the Czech legal norms and practices. Three theses about the decline of public place are introduced.

The decline is seen as a weakening of two constitutive characteristics of a public space – the unlimited access and the equal usage. This results in the deviation from the idea of “agora” (perceived as an ideal place for meeting and discussing public matters) to spaces of hybrid character, where particular commercial interests prevail.

The analysis of legal norms and practices puts this decline thesis into question. Legal norms maintain the ideal of public places.

When the legal norms post limitations on the unlimited access and/or equal usage, this is because of the necessity to deal with the internal incongruity of these characteristics or when there is incongruity between these characteristics and other absolute principles.