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Reproduction of Arctosa alpigena lamperti (Araneae: Lycosidae) - where, when, how, and how long?

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Arctosa a. lamperti proved to be a diurnal vagrant, living and hunting on the surface of Sphagnum bogs, being active from May until September. The mating period lasts from mid-May to the beginning of June.

Male courtship behaviour includes palpal drumming, leg waving, opisthosomal vibrations, and jerks of the whole body. Copulation consists mostly of four or five palpal insertions and lasts on average for 37 min.

Thus, A. a. lamperti possesses the longest copulation time within the genus Arctosa. The subspecies showed a female monandry and male polygyny mating system.

Females spin cocoons within 2 weeks of copulation and carry them for up to 6 weeks. Before opening the cocoon, females construct a silken retreat.

Over 40 spiderlings were found to emerge from the cocoon, and females carried them for 2 weeks until the spiderlings dispersed. The maternal care is therefore longer than that of other wolf spiders.