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Is social worker the bearer of person oriented approach in rezidential care for people with dementia?

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In case, person with dementia is placed in a long-term residential care, several kind of professionals participate on care.Depending on previous education, preffered values and professional epxerience, different approaches to care are implemented in a multidisciplinary team. In a sample of 17 residential homes for seniors preferred approaches supporting quality of life were studied by means of questionnaire Opinions about care for person with dementia, within 560 respondents.

Presented analysis follows, who in the broad spectrum of employees, will incline with highest probability to client centered approach in care for people with dementia. The specific opinion position of social worker in the team will be shown by means of logistic regress model, which takes into account beside individual impacts (professional background, education, length of practice and position in the organisation) also the impact of type of organisation and other factors.