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Mertons Conception of "Self-fulfilling Prophecy" in Context of Interethnical Conflicts

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American sociology, R. K.

Merton, whose vision of the future is now sadly coming true. The authors of this article have attempted to apply Mertons theory upon the highly complicated relationship between the Romany minority and the majority.

The aim of this text is to study the basis and functioning of one type of social mechanism which works as follows: representatives of the majority publicly voice biased stereotypical statements about the minority based on incorrect judgment; this provokes a negative reaction within the minority community and consequently harms the social credit of the community. It may take a passive, defensive form, which means that the community passively accepts the majoritys prejudiced judgment and in return obtains the advantages of the system of social benefits.

Such attitude is in fact a natural part of the Romanies strategy of adaptation to foreign environment.