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Analysis of discrepancies in Dalitz plot parameters in eta to 3pi decay

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We analyze the Dalitz plot parameters of eta to 3 pion decay in the framework of resummed chiral perturbation theory. This approach allows us to keep the uncertainties in the NNLO and higher orders under better control and estimate their influence.

We cannot confirm the suspected discrepancy in the case of the charged decay parameter b, where even small uncertainties in higher orders could accommodate the difference. On the other hand, we find the experimental value of the neutral decay parameter alpha incompatible with an assumption of good convergence properties in the center of the Dalitz plot.

We calculate pion-pion rescattering bubble corrections up to three loops and show that these might explain the discrepancy, especially for a low value of the pseudoscalar decay constant in the chiral limit. However, that could indicate a failure of convergence of the chiral series in this channel already at low energies around 500MeV.