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Czech courts and international law

Publikace na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Právnická fakulta |

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The article presents a summary of the relationship of Czech courts to international law. Firstly it describes the development of the legal regulation and how the current legislation regulates the status of international law in Czech law.The legal environment is crucial for determining whether and how international law will be applied by national courts.

Th e article also analyzes two decisions of the Czech Constitutional Court, which, according to the author, are the most interesting in the area of the relationship between international and domestic law. The first one actually changed the meaning of the Euro-amendment to the Constitution, and the second addresses the eff ects of a decision of the ECtHR on ongoing national proceedings.

In the last part, the article provides an overview of and brief comments on judicial decisions issued in 2010 that deal with the relationship between international and domestic law.