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Primary drug resistance/sensitivity in vitro and clininical outcome in ovarian cancer patients

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Objective was to assay correlation between primary drug resistance/sensitivity in vitro by MTT test in solid tumor and ascitic fluid and clininical outcome in ovarian cancer patients. The highest incidence of primary drug resistance in vitro had gemcitabin and carboplatin and the lowest incidence of primary drug resistance had cisplatin and topotecan.

Cisplatin had lower incidence of primary drug resistance in vitro than carboplatin. Grade and stage of epithelial ovarian cancer did not correlate to the primary drug resistance/sensitivity in vitro in ovarian cancer patients.

The histological subtype of epithelial ovarian cancer correlated to the resistance and sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents in vitro. Ovarian cancer patients with primary drug resistance to paclitawel and carboplatin in vitro had more complications during primary chemotherapy, shorter progression free interval and worse prognosis of the disease.

The primary drug resistance/sensitivity assay would contribute to the targeted treatment and better prognosis of ovarian cancer patients.