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"Bohemians are Such Heretics that I Consider Syrians Higher". Livre de la Prison by Jean Régnier and his Anti-Hussite Barb

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The study outlines the fates of the supporter of Duke of Burgundy Philip the Good, Jean Régnier. In 1432, poet and courtier Jean Régnier fell into captivity, where he began to compose a voluminous poetic work, known today under the general title of Les Fortunes et Adversitez.

It contains also verses written in prison, where he pondered his personal misfortune and France''s devastation by war. As the way out of the situation, he offers the conclusion of peace between the king of France, king of England and the duke of Burgundy and the implementation oj a joint crusade against the Hussites.

The production of Jean Régnier considering its attacks against the Bohemian heretics as enemies of the established order is also a partial milestone on the long journey to today''s understanding of the concept of unbridled ''bohemianism''.