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Fortran 77 package CRT version 6.50



Software package for ray tracing and related calculations in velocity models specified by package MODEL. Arbitrary position and shape of the source.

Arbitrary type of elementary seismic body wave corresponding to the zero-order ray theory (P, S, converted, coupled S waves). Arbitrary acquisition schemes including surface seismics, vertical seismic profiling, cross-hole, ocean bottom.

Isotropic-ray-theory rays in layered and block velocity models, anisotropic-ray-theory P-wave rays and anisotropic common S-wave rays in smooth velocity models. Initial-value ray tracing by numerical integration of ray tracing equations.

Two-point ray tracing by the shooting method based on ray histories. Travel-time computation, dynamic ray tracing, paraxial-ray propagator matrix, geometrical spreading, vectorial amplitudes, polarization vectors.