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Heresy trial of Count F. A. Špork legally in the historical and theological context

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


In February 1730 the public prosecutor filed a criminal suit John Blovský the Imperial Count Frantisek Antonin Spork (1662 - 1738) for heresy, and its spread offense for church and secular authorities. Action sounded ominously when the Spork (if they appealed their delusions) among other things, demanded stiff prison life, loss and almost inkolátu asset liquidation penalty.

Larger district court, which decided the case, then in 1733 earned significantly more lenient sentence if convicted only count as a reasonable fine of - but not for heresy. Earl, however, even with such a decision not understand and did not pay a fine, so it had to be up to execution.

This publication based on primary sources discovered in Bohemia reconstructs this process is unique - no other nobleman in this country was accused of heresy. At the same time it puts into law extensive historical and theological context.

The book not only recounts one of the major events in the life of the famous master Kuks, but also gives insight into the little explored the history of the judicial proceedings at the time pobělohorského royal absolutism.