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Indirect evidence for the age of base-metal mineralization of the Stříbro district

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Primary fluid inclusion in quartz crystals from barren subvertical quartz veins that crosscut the Upper Carboniferous (Upper Asturian) coarse-grained clastics at Butov near Stříbro were found to have almost the same microthermometric characteristics (salinity, temperature of homogenization and variability of filling) as fluid inclusions from mineralized veins of the Stříbro Ag-Pb-Zn ore district. The mineralization at Stříbro should be therefore Upper Asturian in age, or younger.

It is notably, that fluid salinities and temperatures of veins from Butov, and also of the Stříbro district, are very similar to that of Triasic to Jurasic fluorite-barite mineralization from the Erzgebirge Mts. (Moldava, Vrchoslav deposits).