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The Koniakow lace

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The Koniakow Lace is regarded as a symbol of Poland. The text goes afteremergency and evolution of a contest of its definition. Since 2003,

Polish and foreign media have informed the traditional handcrafts likecovers and tablecloths were replenished by woman's underwear - thongs.

Medialization of the discussion among lace-makers on acceptability ofthe interconnection of Koniakow lace and woman's underwear uncoversmeanings of the lace, ways of their reifications, role of socialnetworks in production of power based arguments as well as widereconomical context in which all actors are involved and from which allof them take advantage. The discussion shows how is the border between

Koniakow lace and non-Koniakow lace, contextually created andsubordinated to economic intentions of the participants of describedclash.