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The concept of state support for sport for sports events of international significance

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Internationally important sporting events can be hardly realised without support from the state. This support is usually materialized by means of financial participation.

State institution used to be frequently criticised for their absence of concept in decision - making about the ways and extent of support to the organizers of important international sporting events. The new concept of state support for sport in the Czech Republic, proposed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in 2009, deals with this problem and promises a systematic approach by unificated and timely rules.

One of the aims of this concept is to establish a unit of experts competent to evaluate individual requests and projects of all applicants. As a condition for approval of the state support is that the organizers (applicants) will submit a feasibility study of the planned event and obtain its acceptance by the experts - unit.

In compiling the obligatory contents of the study, the organizers are expected to use experiences from abroad as well as functional models and methodology of other ministries, namely of the Ministry of Regional Development (issued in 2004) and of the Ministry of Culture (2008).