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Archaeological map of Fox Hill, Al Hugeir Abu Dom, Sudan, Terrace 1, Sondage 1



This map is the outcome of the 1st season of the Sabaloka Dam Archaeological Survey Project. The region conceded to our expedition for research covers 40km of the W bank of the Nile (from Al-Hugna to Wadi el-Abyad).

In autumn 2011, the fieldwork focused on the SW periphery of Jebel Sabaloka (around Al Hugeir Abu Dom) where most of the prehistoric sites to be explored were located. A special attention was devoted to the main Mesolithic and Neolithic settlement area located on a microgranite outcrop designated Fox Hill.

Based on the archaeological survey of individual terraces and the geodetic survey of the whole outcrop, two sondages were explored in detail at carefully selected parts of Terrace 1 which seemed to have been the least affected by erosion and which yielded high density and variety of surface finds (68m2 in total). This map shows the location of Sondage 1 on Terrace 1, precise elevation information in the form of contour lines (0.3m interval), and the location of 7 excavated features.