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Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The study deals with the kinesiological analysis and creation of a coordination map for the selected groups of muscles, which are activated whilst engaged in a dance partnership. Dance is a sport activity which is very hard for the coordination, and is commonly practised by the general public.

At the sport level the focus is put on the posture, where you can find the specific dance hold - chest deflection. The goal of the study was to track the scale of the participation of selected muscles during the time sequence and to find the differences between the partners in each couple.

The side goal also was to decide if the contribution of the muscles in the connection with the locomotive system is profitable or unprofitable. In that case study, the professional dance couple was tracked by surface electromyography in combination with synchonized cinematography videoanalysis.

The results were processed by Microsoft Excel, Matlab and Dartfish. The results show a lack of the ventral and dorsal muscular coordination in both dance partners.

The difference is in the activation, which depends on the specific phase of the dance step. The conclusion can be formulated as a necessity to cover the compensative exercises, the special exercises for deep paravertebral muscles and the deep stabilisation musculosceletal system, as the integrated part of the sport training for dancers.

Generally we can recommend the dance for the general public at large as a valuable sport activity for many serious reasons.