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Geomyces destructans, phenotypic features of some Czech isolates

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The microscopic fungus Geomyces destructans is a psychrophilic dermatophyte causing since 2006 a serious bat disease in North America called white-nose syndrome (WNS). In Europe, G. destructans has also been recorded, however less commonly and without striking lethal effects.

Currently, seven isolates of G. destructans isolated from greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) from four localities are maintained in the Culture Collection of Fungi (CCF) in Prague. Growth tests at 12 and 15 oC on eight agar media demonstrated that the fungus grows somewhat faster at 12 oC than at 15 oC.

Good growth was observed on nutrient rich media. No further isolates of G. destructans were recovered during screening of bat-associated environments.