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(1993) Proposal to conserve the name Alyssum montanum (Cruciferae) with a conserved type.

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In accordance with the Art. 57.1 of the ICBN that states "a name that has been widely and persistently used for a taxon or taxa not including its type is not to be used in a sense that conflicts with current usage unless and until a proposal to deal with it under Art. 14.1 or 56.1 has been submitted and rejected" we propose here the conservation of the name A. montanum with a conserved type that reflects current usage of the name. As the illustration in Bauhin & al. (l.c.), although almost certainly of this species, is not of a quality suitable for precise application of the name, we propose a specimen from a locality close to Basel, nearby the locus classicus of Bauhin and others, comprising plants with known ploidy level, details of morphological features (e.g., indumentum) and cpDNA haplotypes.