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The cardiac rupture due to the blaunt chest truama and the causing mechanisms - physical attack case study

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Biomechanical analysis of injuries to the area of the thorax caused by a sudden impact of a blunt object is a world-wide accepted topic, which is mainly related to passive car safety features, prevention of industrial injuries, and physical assaults. This case study discusses the biomechanical aspects of an incident in which a 32 year-old man, 180 cm, and 76 kg was beaten to death.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was unsuccessfully applied for 20 minutes after the rescuers arrival. Cardiac tamponade due to a rupture of the left atria auricle was listed as the cause of death.

The potential origins of the caused damage are elaborated in detail and compared with an extensive critical review, video analysis of the attack, and the autopsy report. After interpreting all the aforementioned information, an experimental observation was executed to specify physical values of the critical attack on the thorax, respectively, determine the force exerted on the thorax by a powerful stamp.

The Kistler measuring device was used to identify the force of a stamp during the experimental part. The under-mentioned findings are applicable to all sorts of activities where a blunt chest injury trauma may occur as the injury mechanisms for physical assault, and occupational or leisure activities (sport, transport, etc.) are almost identical.