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Temporal variability of phenophase onsets of Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis L.) in dependence on meteorological conditions

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis L.. In the frame of CHMI phenological network are observed subsequent phenophases: first leaves (BBCH 07), inflorescence emergence (BBCH 51), beginning of flowering (BBCH 61), end of flowering (BBCH 69), fruit ripe (BBCH 86).

Lily of the valley is observed at phenological stations from 155 m asl (Doksany) till 860 m asl (Pernink). Chosen phenophases including meteorological characteristics (air temperature, sunshine duration, number of days wih precipitation } 1 mm were executed in period 1991 - 2010.

The first leaves starts at lowlands on 14th April, inflorescence emergence on 25th April, beginning o flowering on 2nd May and end of flowering on 20th May. In the mountains (above 801 m asl) phenophases start on 7th May, 15th May, 30th May and 19th June.

Average pentade air temperature to onset date has descreasing trend with ascendant sea level. Conversely sum of air temperature and sunshine duration have ascendant trend in interphase intervals with increasing sea level.

Number of days with precipitation } 1 mm raise with ascending sea level.