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The Path to Building of System for Evaluation of Quality of Schools and Educational Programs

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Education in Czech Republic undergo more or less entire its existence continuous revision. There are ,easurements where contemporary student and alumni do not reach resulst comparable with the results of students and alumni some ten or fifteen years ago.

It is therefore questionable whose revisions were advantageous and whose do not. We need therefore data about the study and further success of the alumni.

Similarly we can ask what influenced the success in countrywide leaving examination or how the results of countrywide leaving examination influenced careers of the alumni. Even in this case it is necessary to collect and evaluate (raw) data.

The problem of limited access to the information on leaving exams is known to probbaly entire community. The community could, using informatics, push the change of the legislative and improve this way the quality and the handling of other sensitive data (e.g. on health care, what can even save thousands of lives).

We do not mention publicati on of information on exams after fith and nineth year of study. It shows that the issue need not be the collection and evaluation of the data itself but the fact whether it is according current legislative allowed or not and why. we are trying to explain the issues and the idea of their possible solution.