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Engineering and geotechnical aspects of reclamation in the North Bohemian coal basin

Publication at Faculty of Science |


A large-capacity surface mining of brown coal in the North Bohemian coal basin was formed in the devastation of the landscape of a regional character. Submitted by contribution analyses the main factors associated with the reclamation of the side and working overburden slopes, but also slopes of internal and outer spoil heaps of residual pits from the point of view of engineering geology.

Rehabilitation of the residual pits is based on the concept of gradual inundation. It is clear that the consequence of the instability of numerous demostrations the presence of large landslide territories in side overburden slope in the open pit mine Čs. army already in during of mining, will be significantly difficult rehabilitations in these areas in the future.

The main factors of engineering geological reclamations during of gradual inundations are abrasion-landslide processes, erosion, sufosion and other factors.