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South Bohemian HP Granulites with Lenses of HP/UHP Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


Granulite facies rocks (mostly felsic granulites and granulitic gneisses) with lenses and boudins of serpentinized garnet and spinel peridotite, pyroxenite, retrogressed eclogite compriseseveral large, oval-shaped massifs (the Blanský Les, Křišťanov, Prachatice, Lišov, and Krasejovka Granulite Massifs) in the south-western part of the Moldanubian zone (Fig. 1). The granulite massifs also contain lenses of pyroxene-bearing granulite of intermediate composition, whose relation to felsic granulite is unclear (Kodym, 1972; Vrána, 1992).

The garnet or spinel peridotites and garnet pyroxenites systematically form discontinuous lenses along the margins of all the granulite massifs. Similar to other granulites in the Moldanubian zone, the southern Bohemian granulites are assigned to the high-grade Gföhl Unit.

The granulite massifs are surrounded by amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks of the Monotonous and Varied groups (e.g., Rajlich et al., 1986).