A 52-year-old male with a positive family history, non-smoker, diabetic on oral antidiabetic drugs with hyperlipoproteinaemia was referred for coronary angiography due to a one-year history of exertional angina pectoris. He had been treated with Aspirin 100 mg, Concor COR 2,5 mg, Torvacard 20 mg, and Siofor 500 mg o.d.
The following were performed: coronary angiography via the right radial artery using a 5 F catheter, ad hoc recanalization of segmental occlusion of the left circumflex artery, direct stenting of the right coronary artery uring a 5 F guiding catheter, and Integrity stents were implanted to both lesions. The patient received a loading dose of Trombex 600 mg and was discharged from hospital on the second day, with Thrombex at a maintenance dose of 75 mg o. d. added to the previous treatment.