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Severe Convective Weather of the 15th August 2010

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Convective storms are ranked among the most frequent causes of hazardous weather in large parts of Europe. Proper prediction of the exact location and intensity of the initial convection, estimation of the storm intensity based on its development, and storm trajectory monitoring and forecasting remains one of the most difficult and challenging tasks when issuing warning information for a certain area.

The study focuses on the 15th August 2010, when many severe convective storms occurred over parts of Central and Eastern Europe, some of these exhibiting various interesting cloud-top features observed by weather satellites. The basic synoptic-scale setup is analyzed and atmospheric conditions of the region where these storms formed are described.

Nowcasting procedures and their results for this case are presented. The possible reason for the different cloud top appearance from the perspective of satellite observations of these storms is discussed.