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Process of magnetite fabric development during granite deformation

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This study evaluates the fabric defined by magnetite grains in a syntectonically deformed granite and deciphers the processes that led to magnetite fabric development. Anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence magnetization (AARM) analysis is performed in samples taken from different parts of the granite to establish that the magnetite grains define a fabric.

Along with microstructural studies, the AARM data help conclude that this fabric is on account of shape preferred orientation (SPO) of the magnetite grains. The intensity of magnetite fabric (degree of anisotropy of the AARM ellipsoid) is higher in the southern parts as compared to the north, which is inferred to indicate a strain gradient.

Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) analyses of magnetite grains were performed to determine if there are intracrystalline deformation features that could have influenced magnetite shape and SPO, and thus AARM data. Detailed crystallographic orientation data coupled with orientation contrast imaging did not reveal any subgrains and/or significant variations in crystallographic orientations