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Demographic impact of assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The interrelationships between fertility indicators and ART data were analyzed. Since the mid 1990s, the Czech Republic has been facing extremely low fertility levels.

The ongoing fertility postponement has resulted in an increase in the share of women who decide to reproduce in the older age. Further increase in the number of infertile pairs as well as growing importance of ART for the overall fertility trends in the Czech Republic can, therefore, be expected.

There is a continuous increase in the number of children born after ART in the Czech Republic, the number are nearing those for Belgium or Scandinavian countries.However, in the contrary to these countries, the total fertility rate in the Czech Republic has been below the critical level of 1,5 children per woman for more than one decade. There is no uniform opinion from experts on the possible demographic impact of the increased support for ART.

Although rather small, the impact is comparable with the impacts of other schemes introduced within social and population policies. Nevertheless, ART appears to contribute to stabilization of the completed fertility rate.

Conclusion: Assisted reproduction is a private matter of individuals. However, the increasing use of ART in the Czech Republic has also had some demographic outcomes.

As a result, ART is acquiring a new social meaning within the state population policies.