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Lichens in forests in areas of Svatojiřský les and in the surrounding of Černý orel Nature Monument (Central Bohemia)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


At the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 we investigated the eastern part of Svatojiřský les and the Černý orel Nature Reserve with its surroundings. Being under the effects of intensive management, pollution, acid rains and eutrophication these areas haven't attracted much attention of lichenologists.

We concentrated mainly on epiphytic and epixylic lichens. 104 species were recorded altogether - 93 in Svatojiřský les and 51 in the Černý orel Nature Reserve and its surroundings. As expected, the forest areas were quite poor in species numbers.

Solitary trees, trees by forest roads and at the forest edges in Jabkenická obora were the most species-rich. Considering the forest type, open oak forests were the most interesting.

Among the species recorded in Jabkenická obora, Flavoparmelia soredians seems to be the most striking finding since this is the first record of the species in the Czech Republic. Surprisingly, Usnea glabrescens - endangered species, not collected/recorded in the CR recently was detected on a larch twig.

We also observed Lecania subfuscula largely overgrowing a concrete wall near Černý orel. This species has so far been known only from Králický Sněžník Mt.

We assume that Jabkenická obora can be considered an example of a refuge for delicate epiphytic lichens. As the populations of a few rare species present (Bacidia rubella, Calicium viride, Physconia perisidiosa, Ramalina pollinaria, Rinodina exigua etc.) were considerably numerous , we suppose that recent colonization is very unlikely and assume that they persisted in Jabkenická obora.

On the other hand a few species are seemingly new colonizers. They mostly occuron twigs of larches.

Flavoparmelia sorediata, Melanelixia subaurifera, Punctelia jeckeri, P. subrudecta, Usnea sp. div., and Vulpicida pinastri are the best examples of recently spreading species.