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A case of a double variant of the arterial system in the upper extremity: arteria brachialis accessoria et arteria comitans nervi mediani

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


A thorough knowledge of arteries of the upper extremity is necessary for catheterization, graft harvesting, shunt application, and Astrup's examination. Coincidences of two different variants are rather rare.

We present a case of the coincidental presence of arteria brachialis accessoria stemming from the arteria axillaris and reuniting with the arteria brachialis 1.5cm below the origin of the arteria collateralis ulnaris inferior; and arteria comitans nervi median originated in association with the arteria interossea communis from the arteria ulnaris, passing into the palm and towards the arteriae digitales palmares to the thumb, index and lateral side of the third finger. Such coincidence has never been reported before.