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Lichens recorded during the spring bryo-lichenological meeting in Chřiby Mts. (Czech Republic), April 2010

Publication at Faculty of Science |


127 lichen-forming fungi have been recorded from the Chřiby Mts in southern Moravia, a region previously lacking lichenological investigation. The region is rather dry and poor in lichens, especially macrolichens, but there were interesting records of inconspicuous microlichens, e.g.

Agonimia repleta, Arthonia helvola, Bacidia pycnidiata, Bacidina neosquamulosa, Biatoridium monasteriense, Lecanora leptyrodes, Macentina dictyospora, Ramonia interjecta, Thelenella vezdae, Thelidium minutulum and Thelocarpon intermediellum, and poorly known or rare lichens, e.g. Biatora efflorescens, Cladonia peziziformis, Lecanora leptyrores, Leptogium pulvinatum, Mycobilimbia epixanthoides, Opegrapha viridis, Pertusaria ocellata, Placopyrenium trachyticum and Pyrenula nitidella.

The distribution and frequency of Halecania viridescens appears to have increased in the Czech Republic, and Caloplaca oasis is new to the Czech Republic. Records of little known species outside Chřiby Mts are also listed.