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Different cardiac loading conditions and haemodynamic monitoring in animal

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Objective: To develop models of various cardiac loading conditions in an experimental study. Materials and methods: A total of 78 piglets, average weight 24kg were divided into 4 groups under different cardiac loading conditions: Group A were spontaneously breathing pigs without haemodynamic changes, Group B were ventilated animals with increased left ventricular afterload, Group C ventilated with increased right ventricular preload and Group D ventilated with increased afterload of both heart ventricles.

Haemodynamic parameters were invasively measured at 60 and 120 minutes. Results: Groups B, C and D demonstrated higher preload of both ventricles, compared with Group A.

Group C demonstrated higher preload and afterload of both ventricles in comparison with Groups B and D. Conclusion: Haemodynamic measured data confirmed the expected changes in cardiac loading and corresponded to human clinical situations.

These models may be used for future experimental haemodynamic studies.