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Effect of active participation of Czech youth in sport at its perception of Olympic ideals and acquisition of basic knowledge about the Olympic Movement

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of this study was to discover how the participation of young people i sports and physical activities affects their knowledge and understanding of Olympic ideals associated with the Olympic Games and the Olympic movement. In two hypotheses, it was assumed that: - young people more involved in sport have a deeper knowledge of the Olympic Movement and associate more Olympic ideals with the Olympic Games than their counterparts of the same age and gender, having a lesser or no-participation in sport and physical activities.

The knowledge about the facts of the Olympic movement in current youth, surveyed in 2008 did not differ significantly from the knowledge of their counterparts surveyed ten years ago (1998). The results confirmed the positive relationship between the knowledge of facts about the Olympic movement and the frequency and level of youth participation in sports.

The assumption that a higher participation in sports positively affects the association between the Olympic ideals and the Olympic movement was not confirmed. The differences between the Olympic knowledge in results of surveys, carried out in 1998 and 2008 were not statistically significant.