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A comparison of force velocity characteristics upper and lower limbs by means of "force - velocity test"

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Aim of the study was to compare force-velocity characteristics of the musculature of upper and lower limbs in recreational athletic males who performed "force-velocity" test (F-v test) of upper limbs on an arm-crank ergometer and a F-v test of lower limbs on a bicycle ergometer Monark. In these tests the relationship force -velocity was established and theoretical values of maximum force at zero velocity (F0), maximum velocity at zero breaking force (v0) and a maximum anaerobic power (Pmax) for lower and upper limbs were calculated, including optimum breaking force corresponding to the maximum anaerobic power.

The results of the study show that maximal anaerobic power of upper limbs relative to body mass corresponds to 74.0 % of the level in lower limbs (11.3 +/- 1.8 vs. 15.2 +/- 2.4, p less than 0,01), similarly F0 76,9 % (165.9 +/- 44.0 vs. 215.6 +/- 36.6 N, p less than 0,01), and Fopt 74.4 % (70.6 +/- 12.0 vs. 94.9 +/- 21.2 N, p less than 0,01). Theoretical maximal velocity, however, was not different in upper and lower limb F-v tests (207.0 +/- 33.1 vs. 214.9 +/- 13.4 rev.min 1, n.s.).

The results found are in agreement with the theoretical knowledge on force-velocity relationship in cyclic work for upper and/or lower limbs, respectively.